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For some of you, the topic of homeschooling might be something new that you have heard more parents are doing these days. It could be considered the new “fad.” But in essence homeschooling has been around since the beginning of time. What did our ancestors do before there were public
There are more than 2 million homeschooled students in the United States. Homeschooling is a growing trend increasing between 2-8% each year with no sign of slowing down. It’s easy to understand why more parents are choosing to school their child at home given the recent tragedies in the schools…….violence,
Did you know that by 1993 all 50 states made homeschooling a legal option. Now, the laws differ from state to state such as Michigan for example, which has zero reporting requirements compared to New York with stricter requirements. So what are the laws for Arizona residents you ask…..well, Arizona
Now that you have made the decision to homeschool, you are excited and nervous all at the same time. Does that sound about right? You know that there are many things to consider to get ready for the school year, and you are wondering what you need to focus on
You have taken the plunge to homeschooling……now what? You’re wondering what you need to know as far as your state laws are concerned such as: Who do I notify of my decision to homeschool? What are the reporting requirements? Are there required subjects or can I decide what I want
More than 90 resignations in the Gilbert School District in AZ, the district where I belong, has a lot of parents worried this will have an impact in the quality of their child’s education. I share their concerns. Looks like a lack of unity between administrators and the school board,