Talking to YOUR kids about the corona virus

Schools are closed. So are restaurants and bars.  Employers are asking their employees to work from home. Church services are online. University classrooms are all online. Our nation’s leaders are asking that we stay away from crowded areas. What’s being recommended is that we all stay home because of the fast moving coronavirus.   Can I […]

Raising An Entrepreneur

Will was 4 years old when he first began selling.  He and his sister, 18 months his senior, would sell flubber at small, local arts & crafts fairs twice a year.  As a homeschool mom, I was always thinking of ways to make learning fun, especially in the younger years.  So one of the “fun” […]

Your child bullied in school? Know your options

Reportedly 1 in 3 students are victims of bullying. What is bullying? Bullying is defined as “intentionally aggressive, usually repeated” verbal, social or physical behavior aimed at a specific person or group of people. 83 percent of girls and 79 percent of boys report being bullied either in school or online. I still remember the first time I was bullied in school. I was in 6th grade at Lincoln Elementary School in Chicago.