Shocking Homeschooling Statistics

Picture of amit
February 28, 2014

There are more than 2 million homeschooled students in the United States. Homeschooling is a growing trend increasing between 2-8% each year with no sign of slowing down.  It’s easy to understand why more parents are choosing to school their child at home given the recent tragedies in the schools…….violence, bomb threats, shootings.  Home-based education ensures that your child will learn in a safe environment absent of bullying and negative peer pressure.  Homeschooling can be a positive and rewarding experience for all parties involved and the following statistics seem to demonstrate this.

Facts & Statistics

  • Homeschooling demographics….

         1) Homeschoolers are diverse….made up of minorities and mainstream children

         2) Income for homeschooled students range from 34k -70k

  • Almost 15% of the Hispanic population home school their children
  • Nearly 74% of homeschooled children have attended college verses 44% of the general population
  • 71% of homeschooled children have been involved in community service verses 37% of the general population
  • Homeschooled children score 15 to 30 percentile points more than public or private school students
  • Homeschooled children have a higher participation rate in sports and social activities in college than their counterparts in the public school system
  • College students who were homeschooled graduated at a rate of 67% compared to 55% rate for students of traditional schooling.
  • 16 billion taxpayer dollars saved

Source: National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)

Another interesting fact is that while homeschoolers make up just over 2% of the student population, they represent over 10% of the contestants participating in the 2012 National Spelling Bee.  A number which has been consistent for over a decade.

Lastly, here is a quote from an article titled Home Schoolers Lead Spelling Bee

“The recent successes of home schoolers in these contests have been very beneficial for home education because it now becomes credible to many people who were thinking before that this is just done by a bunch of weirdos who want to go in the back woods and isolate their children,” says Michael Smith, the president of the Home School Legal Defense Association. “There are people actually considering home schooling today [who] would have never thought about it 10 years ago.”

Source: (

If you are looking for homeschooling support and resources….click on this link….we are here to help

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